Holy Communion
Every Second and Fourth Sunday at 11.15 a.m. for 1 hour.
Refreshments – Coffee/Tea and biscuits are served after services, courtesy of Sue Tandy and Beverly Jones.

Eastnor C of E Primary Special Services
Our Rector, Rev Keith Hilton-Turvey, is based at the Rectory in Ledbury and assisted by Rev Joan Wakeling. They take a number of Eastnor C of E Primary School special services, all during the school week: (including and not in strict chronological order): Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day, Easter, end of school year, Harvest, and Christingle.
Collective Worship is an integral part of life at Eastnor C of E Primary, and we recognise the importance of making sure this special part of the school day is enjoyed by all members of the school community. To ensure that collective worship is valued, meaningful and enriching, the school day has been adapted to allow time for the whole school to visit St John The Baptist Church each day.
Find out more about Eastnor C of E Primary here.